Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Late Night Part II

11 1/2 hour days makes the blogging brain a bit fuzzy. Can we also add in the one way 1 hour commute for a grand total of 2 hours commuting a day. And since I still don't have pictures of knitting...hey it was getting dark when I got home. Today will be eye candy. Hopefully we will return to our regularly scheduled blogging on the morrow.

Marigolds! Have them in front of my tomato and pepper plants. They're supposedly useful in keeping pesky bugs away.

Banana tree...over the winter we lost power for three days and it was really cold, the leaves took damage and it lost a few since then, but after being outside for awhile...completely happy plant. i know that it's going to put on a lot of growth during the summer so finding a place for it during the winter is going to make things very interesting. I'll try and get a picture that puts it's size into perspective.

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